So You’ve Always Wanted to Write a Novel? - The Academy of Film, Fashion & Design

So You’ve Always Wanted to Write a Novel?

Have you thought I’ve always wanted to write? I think I have something to say.
Do you know that you have great story to tell?
Do find great pleasure in writing?
Have you always wanted to write a novel but didn’t know where to begin?

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Course Information

This is an introductory class for people who have never written a book but would like to. Our expert, Jeffrey Freeman, will guide you through the entire process and teach you the valuable information you need to succeed and how to avoid the pitfalls along the way! Jeff will explore what you need to get started to write a novel including the type of novel, what to write, and defining your audience. He will then go into creating the outline for your novel. And once you have finished your novel, Jeff will talk about the editing and proofreading process, how to get published and where to sell.

During this course, you will learn:

  • How to get started.
  • What to write.
  • Research.
  • What type of novel and how many words?
  • Defining your audience.
  • The Process.
  • Creating an Outline.
  • Essential tools.
  • In the flow.
  • Characters: Good guy, bad guy.
  • Inciting incident.
  • First draft.
  • Re-writes.
  • Editing and proofreading.
  • Final draft.
  • How to get published.
  • Self-publishing.
  • Safeguarding your book.
  • Marketing.

Meet our expert

  • Jeffrey Freeman

    Colonel Jeffrey M. Freeman, United States Army Retired, began his thirty-three year career as a draftee in 1966. He grew up in Vermont. He graduated from the University of Vermont with a major in Mass Communications and a minor in theatre. He is a graduate of the Army War College. He spent nearly half his military career assigned inside the Washington, DC beltway. In 2003-2005, he was recalled from retirement to work on The Joint Staff history of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM.  Jeff is a five-time awards recipient from Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge for essays on the American way of life. His article, Perseverance Pays Off, was published in Dr. Robert Schuller’s Possibilities magazine. His novels include: Duty and Character; Wrong Enemy, Wrong War; We Were Warriors Once; Hannah’s Ghost and The Shed on The Mountain Road; and the Pinnacle Point trilogy—Mid-life Friends & Illusions; Online Dating and Dying in Pinnacle Point; and Too Many Coincidences at Pinnacle Point.

    He got his start in acting following high school at Melodyland Theatre in Anaheim, CA. Jeff returned to acting in 1995 and has appeared in numerous stage productions, films, and television shows.

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